Redman has always loved animals. She has had more
pets than she can remember; many were not of the
domestic nature.
her young childhood, Sherry enjoyed numerous camping
trips with her brother, sister and parents. Family
vacations often consisted of camping, hiking and
backpacking in the forests of the northwest. One
highlight of these numerous trips was the wildlife
which they would encounter. The children learned
to stay very still and quiet, to allow the animals
to come closer.
her family relocated to the very different environment
of Arizona. Here they continued their love of the
outdoors, investigating off beaten roads and wilderness
areas on a regular basis. |
While Sherry was
still quite young, her mother noticed sherry’s drawings
abilities and provided her with ample supplies of pencils
and paper. With her love for animals, it was no surprise
that she often chose them as her main subjects. |

Jerome, AZ
her early 20’s, Sherry worked full time
as a freelance graphic artist.
In an unusual happenstance, while visiting an
art show, Sherry met up with a couple who agreed
to take her on as an apprentice. She moved to
Jerome, Arizona to work with them and it was there
that she went into the fine arts and began drawing
and painting wildlife.
Sherry opened an art studio in one of the rooms
at the base of the Old Schoolhouse. Jerome is
an old historic mining town sits on the side of
a mountain and is known as a thriving tourist
and artist community. Jerome is also known as
America's largest ghost town.
Eventually she moved back to Phoenix, Arizona
and continue perusing her art and displayed her
works at numerous art shows and galleries around
her own words: "My desire is to show wildlife
as they live and breathe in their own environments,
as they should be. The detail and realism in my art
is one of the great enjoyments I derive from my paintings."
4 years of very hard work Sherry's reputation was
growing. She was beginning to bring in enough sales
to cover the bills. There is some truth to that old
adage “starving artist.”
Sherry’s health took an un-expectant turn. Her
strength gave out and she found herself unable to
maintain the long hours and fast pace of art life.
So she gave up her full-time art career and gained
employment working a 40-hour work week, once again
having the blessing of a steady paycheck to pay the
bills. (Yes, you artists out there understand.)
were no regrets; I had given it everything that I
had. I was thankful for that opportunity to pursue
my art full time. Most people my age never have that
chance. I had grown a lot and learned much, but it
was evidently not to be. I regarded it as a season
in my life." |
in the early days: Sherry with friend Vivian
Temple and one of her paintings.
Springs is a vibrant artisan community,
home to world class art, music, theater and
sidewalk sculpture displays.
TO SPRING OF 2012: Visiting Colorado
Springs and spending the day at Manitou Springs,
Colorado with her sister.
had been a very full day and it was after 10:00
PM. Tired, I lay with my head on my pillow, but
sleep would not come. I kept re-thinking over the
fun filled events of the day. It had been a day
of visiting art galleries with my sister, a treat
that I had not enjoyed for years. However, during
this enjoyable time my sister had consistently persisted
in prompting me to get back into my art, which I
had just as persistently told her I was not interested
in doing.
now as I lay here in the quiet, my mind raced and I could
think of nothing else but our conversations. This was
the first time I had even thought about the possibility
of going back into art.
there it was; I loved art; and now as thoughts bounced
around in my head I felt the pull again. Was this God’s
leading or my own creation? Ideas poured into my mind
of how it could possibly come together. I pulled back,
unsure and afraid. What was this estranged idea to jump
ahead into an area that I had once loved, then been driven
from and was content to leave behind years before.”
see, seven years prior to this my precious mother
experienced a stroke and was suddenly unable to function
physically or mentally. We channeled our way through
the painful trial of having her in hospitals, rehabilitation
centers and eventually an institution. I longed for
a place of care for my mother that was safe and secure,
and yet somewhere that felt like home. Though I researched
many places, nothing suitable could be found. Little
by little God showed me what it would take to care
for my Mother the way that I desired, and a beautiful
dream was unveiled.
It would be too late for my mom, but not for many
others. Thus, I was brought onboard with the desire
to open an assisted living home with community, family
support and the atmosphere of love, yet the medical
assistance, safety and needed staff. With all confidence,
I believe God invited me to join Him in “His
dream”. It was a Big Dream, too big for me.
For it to be as He revealed it, it would take Him
to accomplish it." |
with her dog, Shiloh |
Development of the Assisted Living Facility:
What a huge asset to being able to accomplish “the
Big Dream.” Then out of the blue a name came to her,
“Dreamer Creations.” And so it was.
initial thoughts of starting her Wildlife Art again happened
in March 2012 while she was on vacation. Believing it to
be Gods guidance, she set out to work in the direction of
pursuing her art while continuing to work at her full-time
Happens--The Rest of The Story: We
could end the story on this exciting note, however; at this
same time, unknown to Sherry another situation was developing.
In January this same year her feet began giving her trouble.
Over the weeks that followed, the pain grew. Walking came
with greater difficulty, and as she continued working her
feet became more painful. The doctor concluded it was planter’s
fasciitis and began medicine and therapy. However, Sherry’s
feet continued to regress because of the long hours of standing
on the cement floors at her work. This had never been a
problem, until now. Finally 4 ½ months later, in
May during a doctor’s visit he recommended she be
released from work and be put on disability to allow healing;
and so it is... . “I now have the opportunity
with time off for the needed recovery of my feet, to work
on my art full time.”
Circle: “It
has only just recently occurred to me, it was through medical
difficulties that I had to leave my art so many years earlier,
and now, because of medical difficulties I am able to return
to it.” Sherry is now following her passion in
art. She paints from her heart the subjects she has always
loved. |
"For me, my enjoyment in art is to create a world of
intrigue and wonder with which I can take you with me."
Sherry Redman