Wildlife Artist- Sherry Redman


When searching for subject matter Sherry turned to photography. She journeyed over dirt roads looking for reference materials for her paintings. She went picture-crazy upon finding treasures such as mule deer beside the road, cat tails by the lake, an old barn or even a prairie dog town.

On one such occasion, after weeks of art shows and completing a large oil painting she set off with her parents for a 3-day trip to the Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson.

Immediately after arriving at the zoo she came down sick. She remained undaunted as she had worked very hard to earn this weekend trip and was determined to enjoy it.

She tells her story: "Toting my Dad's Cannon camera, I excitedly made my way through the walkways taking advantage of the wonderful wildlife subjects. Utilizing the camera's large tele-photo lens I was able to get some great shots."

By the second day when she was unable to eat and feeling feverish, her parents insisted on taking her into a local doctor. During their visit the doctor shared that she was running a 103 degree temperature and was dehydrated.

In spite of his urgings Sherry would not have her trip ruined and refused to go into the hospital. She filled the prescription and promised to rest and drink plenty of liquids.

The following day she was again at the museum relishing the sights and sounds with her time spent behind the camera.

"It was a wonderful trip.
Persistence gets you the good shots."


Wildlife Art by Sherry Redman
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